The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
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ETCSL: recent changes to the website

Within the corpus

Once a composition is added to the website, no substantive changes are made to it, i.e., no aspect of the translation, composite text, or bibliography is altered except for broken links and small typographic errors. These fixes are noted in the revision history at the bottom of the page concerned. All transliteration and translation errors, or changes that result from newly discovered material, will be dealt with in the second edition of the ETCSL, which is planned no earlier than 2004. This first edition will continue to remain accessible even then.


The three catalogues are updated every time a new composition is added to the corpus. New links to the composite text, translation and bibliography are added, and if necessary the English name of the composition is slightly altered. Occasionally newly discovered compositions are added to the catalogues too. In September 2001 Section 3, the literary letters, letter-prayers, and law codes, was added to the full catalogue in preparation for the publication of compositions in these genres.

Information pages

All information pages were rewritten in August 2001:

In addition, headers and footers across the site were updated, but the substantive content of all other pages remained unaltered.

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Page created on 7.ix.2001 by ER. Last revised on 7.ix.2001 by ER.