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This composition: composite text

Proverbs: collection 10


1. (cf. 6.1.09.a1, 6.2.5: IM43438 Seg. A l. 1) Whatever the man in authority said, it was not pleasant.


2. (cf. 6.1.09.a2) Whatever the man in authority said, it was not right.


3-4. (cf. 6.1.09.a3, 6.2.2: MDP 27 216, 6.2.5: IM 43438 Seg. A l. 2) When the authorities are wise, and the poor are loyal, it is the effect of the blessing of Aratta.


5. (cf. 6.1.09.a4, 6.1.22: l. 190, 6.2.3: UET 6/3 80 l. 18) The mighty man is master of the earth.


6. (cf. 6.1.09.a5) It is from a man's mouth that strength comes.


7. (cf. 6.1.09.a6, 6.2.3: UET 6/3 462) Strength cannot keep pace with intelligence.


8. (cf. 6.1.09.a7) The strength of my god completes my own.


9. (cf. 6.1.09.a8, 6.1.17.b3: ll. 12-13, 5.6.7: l. 28) Youthful vigour has left my loins, like a runaway donkey.


10. (cf. 6.1.17.b3: l. 14, 6.1.19.a1: l. 1, 5.6.7: l. 29) My black mountain has sprouted white gypsum.


11-12. (cf. 6.1.17.b3: l. 15, 6.1.19.a1: ll. 2-3, 5.6.7: l. 30) My mother sent to me a man from the forest, who has given me paralysed hands.


13-14. (cf. 6.1.17.b3: ll. 16-17, 6.1.19.a1: ll. 4-5, 5.6.7: l. 31) My mongoose, which used to eat strong-smelling {food} {(1 ms. has instead:) meat}, can no longer stretch its neck toward a jar of ghee.


15-16. "The lap three (?) times, the eye (?) seven times" is what she says to the one about to breach her defences.


17. "Let me fill your new storehouse with my old hay."


18. A man turned toward you. What did he seize?


19. Her girl friend answered her as follows.

Revision history

20.i.2002: JT, editor: adapting translation
25.iii.2002: JAB, editor: proofreading
16.xii.2002: GC, editor: SGML tagging