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Advanced searching with regular expressions
Regular expressions, or wild-cards, can be used in more complicated
- put 0 after the search term to retrieve all matches to a grapheme
regardless of its numerical index; for instance dug0 will find
all occurrences of dug, dug3, dug4, etc:
- a regular expression only modifies one grapheme; to search for any
lah followed by any lah you must repeat it:
- a period (.) matches any character; for instance
udu. finds both udug and udun:
- a set of characters in square brackets matches any character in the set;
for instance [aeiu]l finds all occurrence of al, el, il,
and ul:
- ranges can be given with hyphens between the characters; for instance,
ta[b-q] finds all occurrences of tab, tag, tah, tak, tal,
tam, tan but not tar, tas, tac:
- you can negate the entire set with the caret character (^); for
instance, [^aeiou] matches any non-vowel
- an asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding
character, set or range; for instance, [0-9]* matches zero or
more digits (the regular expression 0 on graphemes is just a shorthand
for [0-9]*)
- a plus (+) matches one or more occurrences of the preceding
character, set or range; for instance, [0-9]+ matches one or
more digits
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Page created on 29.iii.2002 by ER. Last revised on 12.iv.2002 by ER.