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A prayer (?) for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin A): translation

1-13May Enlil, king of heaven and earth, whose utterances are trusty and whose words are ......, ...... the shepherd Rim-Sîn, ...... my king ....... May he who gives him life-giving (?) food-offerings in Nibru stand in prayer before him. May Enlil bestow upon him grain, the benefit of mankind. May he pass his time in joy in the ...... of his country. They will ...... Rim-Sîn my king. May he strengthen for him his royal throne and extend his reign. May he decree his sceptre for the south and the uplands. May he make the king's inferiors bow down before him. The offerings of Rim-Sîn my king, small or great, at Nibru in the E-kur ....... Syrup shall drip like ghee from its fingers. I am as the son of one man, honey and ghee. My king, let offerings ...... in my joy. They give me silver .......

14-25 1 line damaged
I am like ...... a man's son.
1 line unclear
......, may he ...... you. Alone (?) Rim-Sîn, my king, ...... like syrup and ghee. 1 line unclear
...... Enlil his Great Mountain, in accordance with your name may Rim-Sîn be your Great Mountain. May Ninurta declare ...... life for you, and may Nin-Nibru, the lady who founds cities, ......, enclose you like a kindly sheepfold (?) to protect your life. May Nincubur, ...... whom Nanna declared (?), ...... good fortune on your head, and declare life for you.
1 line unclear

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Revision history : JAB : translating
28.vii.1999 : GZ : proofreading
28.vii.1999 : GZ : SGML tagging
27.viii.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML
27.viii.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed