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An adab of Inana for Rim-Sin (Rim-Sin H): translation


1-5...... beloved of An ......
1 line fragmentary
Nintud is delighted at your creation, and has determined a great destiny for you. She has made your brow attractive, ....... Your limbs ......, your form spectacular.


7-12You have been decreed femininity, you are full of charm, Inana, glory of the pure heavens, fitted to be a queen,
4 lines fragmentary or unclear
unknown no. of lines missing


1-6 2 lines fragmentary
You have perfected the just, and made them speak with one voice; may you exercise your role as shepherd for years of abundance and sweet days of rejoicing. Rim-Sîn, you have perfected the just, and made them speak with one voice; may you exercise your role as shepherd for years of abundance and sweet days of rejoicing.


8-12Inana, out of the goodness of your heart make Rim-Sîn's good (?) renown a long-lasting renown. Mistress, supremely august, sparkling (?) in the heavens! Inana, Mistress, supremely august, sparkling (?) in the heavens! Speaking kindly, extending your charms, ...... great mother goddesses, grant life to Rim-Sîn.

13Its jic-gi-jal.

14An adab of Inana.

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Revision history : JAB : translating
28.vii.1999 : GZ : proofreading
06.viii.1999 : GZ : SGML tagging
10.ix.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML
10.ix.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed