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Letter from Shulgi to Aradngu about Apillasha: bibliography

Print sources used

Ali, Fadhil A., "Sumerian Letters: Two Collections from the Old Babylonian Schools", University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, 1964 (Ph.D. dissertation), 34-41: composite text, score transliteration, translation, handcopy, commentary

Ali, Fadhil A., "Three Sumerian Letters", Sumer 26 (1970), 145-178: 152-159, pls. I, II, VI, VII: composite text, translation, handcopy, commentary, photograph (photo of 3N-T311 after p. 178)

Huber, Fabienne, "Etude sur l'Authenticité de la Correspondence Royale d'Ur", University of Geneva: 1998 (Mémoire de licence): 8-9, 17-18 (ll. 24-26), 21-22, 24, 33, 37 (l. 25), 39 (l. 17), 40 (ll. 10, 32), 41 (ll. 18, 22-23, 25), 42 (l. 30), 43 (ll. 14, 18), 43 (l. 14), 46-47, 48 (l. 25), 50, 54, 80, 88, 91: commentary, translation, composite text

Kramer, Samuel Noah, The Sumerians. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1963: 332-333: translation (no. 3)

Michalowski, P., "Königsbriefe", in Reallexikon der Assyriologie 6 (1980-83), 51-59: 53 (section 3.2): commentary

Michalowski, Piotr, "The Royal Correspondence of Ur", Yale University: 1976 ( PhD Dissertation): 147-159, 85-86: composite text, score transliteration, translation, commentary

Michalowski, Piotr, and Reiner, Erica, Letters from Early Mesopotamia Writings from the Ancient World, 3). Scholars Press: Atlanta, Georgia, 1993, 64-66: composite text, translation (no. 97)

Wilcke, C., "Drei Phasen des Niedergangs des Reiches von Ur III", Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie 60 (1970), 54-69: 62-64: composite text, translation, commentary (lines 14-35)

Wilcke, C., "Politik im Spiegel der Literatur, Literatur als Mittel der Politik im älteren Babylonien", in Raaflaub, K. (ed.), Anfänge politischen Denkens in der Antike, die nahöstlichen Kulturen und die Griechen (Schriften des historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien, 24), München, 1993, 65-66: translation, commentary (lines 6-26)

Electronic sources used

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Cuneiform sources

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Created on 24 August, 2001