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Letter from Ibbi-Suen to Ishbi-Erra about his bad conduct: bibliography

Print sources used

Attinger, P., "Ur III letter scores", 2000 (unpublished manuscript): score transliteration, translation

Gurney, O.R., and Kramer, S.N., Sumerian Literary Texts in the Ashmolean Museum. (Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts, 5) Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1976: 15-16, 7-8, pl. no. 27 (p. 83): composite text, handcopy, translation, commentary (lines 1-18)

Huber, Fabienne, "Etude sur l'Authenticité de la Correspondence Royale d'Ur", University of Geneva: 1998 (Mémoire de licence) (lic.phil.): 3, 11, 12, 20, 27, 33, 38 (l. 15), 39 (l. 13), 40 (l. 17), 43 (l. 9), 46, 47, 63, 70 (ll. 14-15), 71, 88-89, 93: commentary, composite text, translation

Jacobsen, Thorkild, "The reign of Ibbi-Suen", in Moran, W. L. (ed.), Towards the Image of Tammuz and Other Essays on Mesopotamian History and Culture (Harvard Semitic Series, 21), Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass., 1970, 173-186: 177: commentary

Kutscher, Raphael, "Review of Gurney and Kramer 1976", Bibliotheca Orientalis 39 (1982), 583-590: 585-586: commentary

Meer, van der, P., The Chronology of Western Asia and Egypt. (2nd.ed.), Leiden 1955: 45: composite text, translation, commentary

Michalowski, P., "Königsbriefe", in Reallexikon der Assyriologie 6 (1980-83), 51-59: 55 (section 3.5): commentary

Michalowski, Piotr, "The Royal Correspondence of Ur", Yale University: 1976 (PhD Dissertation): 87ff.: commentary

Römer, Willem H.Ph., "Literarische Königsbriefe historischen Inhalts", in Kaiser, Otto (ed.), Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden, Historisch-chronologische Texte (Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, I, 4) Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn: Gütersloh, 1985, 343-353: 346-348: translation, commentary

van Dijk, J., "Ishbi'erra, Kindattu, l'homme d'Elam, et la chute de la ville d'Ur", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 30 (1978), 189-208: 302: translation, commentary (lines 14-18)

Wilcke, C., "Drei Phasen des Niedergangs des Reiches von Ur III", Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 60 (1970), 54-69: 55-56: commentary, translation (lines 1-18)

Wilcke, C., "Politik im Spiegel der Literatur, Literatur als Mittel der Politik im älteren Babylonien", in Raaflaub, K. (ed.), Anfänge politischen Denkens in der Antike, die nahöstlichen Kulturen und die Griechen (Schriften des historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien, 24), München, 1993, 54-69: 64: translation, commentary (lines 1-10)

Wilcke, C., "Zur Geschichte der Amurriter in der Ur-III-Zeit", Welt des Orients 5 (1969-70), 1-31: 13: translation, commentary (lines 14-15, 18)

Electronic sources used

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Cuneiform sources

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Page created on 2 November, 2001.