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A song of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana V): composite text

1in-nin9 cim-zi lugal-/la\-[kam]
2dinana /cim-zi\ ddumu-zid-da X
3ul gur3-ru hi-li cu tag dug4-/ga\
4lu2 sipad-ra tur3-ra an-ci-/DU?\
5ddumu-zid-ra amac-a an-ci-/DU?\
6lu2 sipad-da igi-bi kaskal im-da-an-X
7/ki?-sikil?\ dinana har-ra-an-na gaba mu-/un\-[ri]
8[d]/dumu\-zid-de3 ud-gin7 ba-an-ta-[ed2]
9[...] cu im-ma-an-[ri]
10[...] cu? im-ma-an-[ri]
11[...] X cu ri ba-ni-in-[X]
12[...] /in\-ga-ba-ni-in-[X]
13[...] X ul car2-ra gu2 im-/ma\-[ni-ed2]
14[...] /jic\pa-pa-al im-ci-la2-[la2]
15[...] X ak! cag4?-bi /ma\-[...]

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Revision history

05.ii.1999 : JAB : standardisation
30.ix.1999 : GC : proofreading
18.x.1999 : GZ : SGML tagging
21.xi.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML
21.xi.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed