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A hymn to Martu (Martu B): translation


1-11...... watching over ......, gathering together ...... the divine powers, ...... peerless dragon, ...... named in heaven and earth with an august name, ......, engendered by great An and brought up on his holy knees, ......, born by Urac,
1 line unclear
cherished and granted a favourable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil, ......, not wearying of ...... its beauty. Proud one among the great gods, ...... hearts, ...... pure ......, shining purification rites, his conduct ....... His words ...... cannot be undone (?), his intelligence and counsel ......, ...... distant ......, ...... leader ......
at least 26 lines missing


1-93 lines fragmentary
...... cherish him ....... ...... embellished ......, ...... aromatic oil of cedar ....... ...... raining on your body like dew ....... ...... when you speak favourable words ......, ...... when you speak favourable words ......, ...... prayers and entreaties .......

10-14May the work of his hands ...... be as sweet as aromatic oil of cedar ......! May ...... the city be long! May its wives and children be fortunate! May he bestow on him ...... life of long days! ...... your divinity is ...... good. May he ...... for eternal days!

15A ...... of Martu.

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Revision history : JAB : translation
08.viii.2000 : GZ : proofreading
10.viii.2000 : GC : tagging
29.ix.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
29.ix.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0