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The herds of Nanna (Nanna F): translation

1-8The lord has burnished (?) the heavens; he has embellished the night (1 ms. has instead: the earth). Nanna has burnished the heavens; he has embellished the night (1 ms. has instead: the earth). When he comes forth from the turbulent mountains, he stands as Utu stands at noon. When Acimbabbar comes forth from the turbulent mountains, he stands as Utu stands at noon.

9-13His father, whose word is true, speaks with him day and night. Enlil, whose word is true, speaks with him day and night, and in decision determines the fates with him.

14-17His lofty jipar number four. There are four platforms (1 ms. has instead: cattle pens) which he has established for him. His great temple cattle pens, one ece in size, number four. They play for him on the aljarsura instrument (1 ms. has instead: on the churn).

18-25The cows are driven together in herds for him. His various types of cow number 39600. His young (?) cows and calves (1 ms. has instead: His fattened cows) number 108000. His young bulls number 126000. The sparkling-eyed cows number 50400. The white cows number 126000. The cows for the evening meal (?) are in four groups of five each (?). Such are the various types of cow of father Nanna.

26-30His wild cows number 180000. The ...... cows are four. Their herds of cattle are seven. Their ...... herdsmen are seven. There are four of those who dwell among the cows (?).

31-36They give praise to the lord, singing paeans (?) as they move into the jipar. Nisaba has taken their grand total; Nisaba has taken their count, and she is writing it on clay. The holy cows of Nanna, cherished by the youth Suen, be praised!

37-41He is ever able to increase the butter of abundance in the holy animal pens of ...... and goats. He is able to provide abundantly the great liquor of the mountains, and syrup, and alcoholic drink for the king on his lofty pure platform.

42-45Mighty one, trusted one of Enlil, youth, god of living creatures, leader of the Land, and Ningal, lady of the jipar -- O father Nanna, be praised!

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Revision history : GC : adapting translation
13.xii.1999 : JAB : proofreading
17.xii.1999 : GC : tagging
28.i.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
28.i.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed