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A song of Ningishzida (Ningishzida D): translation

1-7Holding ...... high, lordly one of holy An, holding ...... high on the lofty throne-dais, ......, lord Ninjiczida, lord ......! ...... the Anuna gods, gods of the earth ....... Ninjiczida, the Anuna gods, gods of the earth ....... An has given power to you, princely son, ....... An has given power to you, Ninjiczida, ....... ...... the Anuna gods ......
unknown no. of lines missing

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Revision history

28.vii.1999-02.viii.1999 : JAB : adapting translation
02.xii.1999 : GZ : proofreading
03.xii.1999 : GC : tagging
11.ii.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
11.ii.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed