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A diatribe against Engar-dug (Diatribe B): translation


1-2Engar-dug, ......, fool, ......, child raised in ......, disgraced man, madman ...... leather, dropping ...... from a wall!

3-11Engar-dug, croaker (?) among singers, a man without good judgment, braggart, ......, a man ......! -- open (?) the house, I have a quarrel with you! In appearance a monkey, a rogue, a witness without shame, not accepting a verdict, a slippery place which respected men avoid, despising (?) the leader of the work-force, a man who does not ...... a festival, a pig spattered with mud, ......! Loving crosstalk and deceit, ......, having got stuck into a quarrel he ...... coming out mouthing insults. A warrior on duty but holding back, .......

12-21Engar-dug, blocked at the anus, ...... speech, ...... vomit (?)! A man without ......, a tail stuck in its mouth, ......, limping cripple who ...... people in the broad streets! Choosing words carefully, weak, bragging and constantly shifty in his advice and counsel, ...... the lamentation priest and snake-charmer ......, a disgraced reputation among the singers, a dog not producing sound from the lyre but emitting a battle-cry! ......, he sweeps (?) the house. He gives instructions, ...... , and does not speak to ......, turning ...... to evil .......
unknown no. of lines missing


1-5In his ......, indeed thieving (?) from his brother, he does not provide water. Whether a quay is built, whether he ...... the market of the city, whether he scratches his nostrils, whether the gatekeeper ...... the sign -- thus he never goes anywhere, ...... the guard.

6-12Engar-dug, your holy song is finished, your greatness ......, your insults ...... the city squares, your lies are made obvious! ......, squinter, Engar-dug, ......, ...... like a francolin ......, ......, the snake-charmer .......
2 lines fragmentary
unknown no. of lines missing

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Revision history

09.ii.2000-15.ii.2000 : GC : adapting translation
19.v.2000 : JAB : proofreading
19.v.2000 : GC : tagging
26.v.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
26.v.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed