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The exploits of Ninurta: bibliography

Print sources used

Black, J.A., "Some structural features of Sumerian narrative poetry", in Vogelzang, M.E. and Vanstiphout, H.L.J. (eds.), Mesopotamian Epic Literature: oral or aural? The Edwin Mellen Press : Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, 1992 , 71-101. Pp. 76-86: commentary, translation (translation of ll. 1-21, 655-674, 701-709)

Bottéro, Jean, and Kramer, Samuel Noah, Lorsque les dieux faisaient l'homme. (rev. ed.), Éditions Gallimard 1989, reprinted 1993, 338-377: translation, commentary

Geller, M.J., "Notes on Lugale", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 8 (1985), 215-22. P 220-221: commentary, handcopy, translation (adds a new OB source for ll. 526-536, 571-588)

Jacobsen, Thorkild, The Harps that Once.... Sumerian Poetry in Translation. Yale University Press: New Haven/London 1987, 233-272: translation, commentary

Römer, Willem H.Ph., and Edzard, Dietz Otto (Kaiser, Otto, ed.) Mythen und Epen, 1 ( Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, III, 3) Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn: Gütersloh 1993, 434-448: translation, commentary (partial translation by Römer)

van Dijk, J., LUGAL UD ME-LÁM-bi NIR-GÁL. Le récit épique et didactique des Travaux de Ninurta, du Déluge et de la Nouvelle Création. 2 vols. Brill: Leiden 1983: composite text, translation, photograph, handcopy, score transliteration, commentary

Electronic sources used

Electronic legacy material kindly supplied by:

Cuneiform sources

References are to van Dijk 1983 unless otherwise stated.

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