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An adab to Dagan (?) for Ishme-Dagan (Ishme-Dagan U): translation

unknown no. of lines missing

1-12In the E-kur, the house ....... The great gods ...... to your upraised hands. ...... holy lap for your exceedingly pleasant life. ...... for its good reign ....... Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil ....... ...... joy (?) in the Egal-mah, your ladylike house. ...... the prince ...... mec tree with shining branches ....... ...... to make his life pleasant ...... Icme-Dagan ....... ...... holy ...... the child of An .......
2 lines fragmentary
...... brick-built E-kur .......

13 Sa-jara.

14Dagan, you have ...... the shepherd Icme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, with a royal garment.

15 Jicgijal of the sa-jara.

16-17The lofty lord, ...... the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of the earth; Dagan, the august lord, ...... the divine powers of heaven and the divine powers of the earth. He has chosen Icme-Dagan in the Land, he .......

19Its uru.

20An adab of Dagan (?).
(ll. 19 and 20 are written as one line in the source)

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Revision history

09.iii.2000 : GZ : adapting translation : JAB : proofreading : GC : tagging : ER : proofreading SGML : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed