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Letter from Iddin-Dagan to Sîn-illat about the troops: translation

1-2Speak to Sîn-illat the general: this is what Iddin-Dagan, your lord, says:

3-9My expeditionary force is able to cross to both banks of the river, inspiring awe and creating a blockade. When you moved opposite Kakkulatum, the protective goddess and Dagan and ...... and Enlil, king of the Land, ...... the soldiers. My splendour covers the Land. And as for you, your heroism and strength .......
1 line fragmentary
Kingship (?) .......

10-19The troops ....... ...... heavy (?) work (?). You (?) should ...... the recruits (?) of the ...... men who are mounting guard. They should check on your behalf ...... all those entering and leaving. My lord, ....... When you ...... by your treacherous ....... Do not cut back (?) your troops (1 ms. has instead: their troops ...... ). Come quickly! It is urgent!

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Revision history

04.vii.2001-06.vii.2001 : EFH : adapting translation
13.xi.2001 : JAB : proofreading
20.xi.2001 : GC : tagging
23.xi.2001 : ER : proofreading SGML
23.xi.2001 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0