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A shir-namshub to Nanna (Nanna K): translation


1-3As remote as heaven, ...... as the earth! Lord Nanna, as remote as heaven, ...... as the earth! Lord Acimbabbar, as remote as heaven, ...... as the earth!

4-16A cowherd with his numerous cows, Suen ...... the men in (?) the pens. A ...... with his numerous calves, Suen ...... the men in (?) the pens. Suen ....... Nanna .......
1 line fragmentary
Suen ....... The spouse ....... Ningal ....... He has butter, ....... Iterda milk ....... Cheese ...... like milk.

17-21Mother Ningal addresses him: "My ...... man, my lover, .......! My ...... man, my Suen, ......! My man who has ritually bathed, ......! My ......!
unknown no. of lines missing


1-13 (Ningal speaks:) "The lord of the just word ....... The lord of the E-kic-nu-jal ....... When he fills the rivers with the spring floods, ......, establishing fine grain in the fields, ......, ...... the marshes with various carp, ......, ...... the reed-beds with dead and fresh reeds, ......, ...... the woods with fallow deer and wild sheep, ......, ...... the high desert with macgurum bushes, ......, ...... the irrigated orchards with syrup and wine, ......, ...... the garden plots with lettuce and cress, ......, ...... the palace with long life, ......, I will live there, ......, I will live there in the ...... place.

14-19"...... in your brick-built Urim, in your ...... of Nanna, in your Dubla-mah, the place where judgments are given, in your vestibule of wine and syrup, at your Just Quay, the quay of the barges, in your house of heaven, in your beloved house, I will live!

20-26"Nanna, in the upper lands I will live on your mountain of fragrant cedars. Lord Nanna, I will live in your city. I will live where your cows are numerous, where your calves are numerous. Nanna, I will live in your Urim. Lord, the bed is already ...... there. Lord, ......, lord, king, son of An, hero who ...... the great earth!"

273rd kirugu.

28A cir-namcub of Suen.

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Revision history

11.v.2000-15.v.2000 : GC : adapting translation
23.viii.2000 : JAB : proofreading
25.viii.2000 : GC : tagging
20.x.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
20.x.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed