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A tigi to Nergal (Nergal C): translation

1-10Lord who inspires awe in heaven and on earth, who is resplendent in the Land, engendered for kingship by your father, your awesomeness weighs upon the black-headed. The Anuna, the great gods, cower together before your awesomeness and radiance. Nergal, lord who inspires awe in heaven and on earth, who is resplendent in the Land, engendered for kingship by your father, your awesomeness weighs upon the black-headed. The Anuna, the great gods, cower together before your awesomeness and radiance.

11-20Hero, after your father begot you, your father Enlil bestowed on you the mountain of the earth and all of the people. He definitively handed the deciding of destinies to you. Hero, Nergal, you are their king! Nergal, hero, after your father begot you, your father Enlil bestowed on you the mountain of the earth and all of the people. He definitively handed the deciding of destinies to you. Hero, Nergal, you are their king!

21-30Lord who imposes silence, son of Enlil, who in his heroism like a flood demands respect (?)! May the people of Lagac spread on your pure table everything you need. Nergal, may you stretch forth your arm over the place Lagac. Nergal, lord who imposes silence, son of Enlil, who in his heroism like a flood demands respect (?)! May the people of Lagac spread on your pure table everything you need. Nergal, may you stretch forth your arm over the place Lagac.

31 Sa-gida.

32-411 line fragmentary
2 lines missing
1 line fragmentary
...... heroism, ...... Uzarpara (?), the shrine ......, you are Meclamta-eda, ....... Nergal, lord, you are the Enlil of his Land. Like Alla (?), you have no rival. Like Ictaran, it has been given to you to reach correct judgments.

42-51Enlil, shepherd of the black-headed, has given you as your name "Lord who leads away the enemies of Enlil, avenger of his father, strong hero". The gods have determined your fate. They have given ...... to you. On earth you are ......, in heaven you are ....... Because of your noise no god opposes you. Just young man who ...... the plague, provider for the place Lagac, Meclamta-eda, may people praise you in song!

52-61Lord of the just word, lord of abundance, hero! At your name, people obey. As you rise up in the frightening shrine, ...... with your kingship you inspire terrifying fear. Hero, with your magnificent strength ...... you pile up the rebel lands in heaps. Nergal, your name is praised in song. May the lady, An's daughter, the lady who loves her city, Bau who concerns herself with you, in Irikug, her city of ladyship, make your appointed ...... famous for a reign of distant days.

62 Sa-jara.

63A tigi to Nergal.

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Revision history

22.vii.1999-29.vii.1999 : GC : adapting translation
06.xii.1999 : JAB : proofreading
13.xii.1999 : GC : tagging
25.ii.2000 : ER : proofreading SGML
25.ii.2000 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed