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A hymn to Ninurta (Ninurta C): translation

1-41 1 line fragmentary
....... ......, lordly son of Enlil, ....... ......, hero who appears in glory, who ....... ...... in Enlil's house ....... ...... no one ....... ...... of E-kur, the rebel lands ....... ......, lord ....... ......, captain, ....... ...... king of Urim, ....... ......, king of Adab ....... ......, king of ....... ...... E-kur .......
1 line fragmentary
...... of Ninlil ....... ...... to the ...... of Enlil ....... ...... heaven and earth, the mother who bore ....... ...... Enlil ....... ...... of the hero .......
1 line fragmentary
...... Zababa ....... ...... hero .......
20 lines missing

42-48...... favourable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil, and Ninnibru, the beloved child of An.
4 lines missing
May ...... the beloved spouse, Ninnibru, the great queen, be favourable towards you.

49-57Ninurta, lord of the gods, glory of E-cumeca, speaks most generously in praise: "My father Enlil!" Ninurta ...... himself like a lion: "I am the hero belonging to Enlil, I am he who controls the affairs of Nibru. ......, and do not let the birds escape. I am a man after the heart of my father Enlil, and I am the hero beloved by my mother Ninlil. I was born in the mountains; I am strong in the mountains."

58-63Ninurta, before whose roaring the mountains tremble, hurricane, south storm that flashes with lightning, you belong to Enlil! May it therefore ......, may Ninurta's city, the shrine Nibru -- therefore ....... He is indeed its beloved, is indeed its beloved; the lord is indeed the beloved of E-kur.

64-75You desire everything in your heart, you wish for everything valuable in your heart. Hero, Enlil's right arm, youth without rival! Ninurta, Enlil's right arm, youth without rival, grandly heaping up ...... with the fifty-headed ......, letting no enemies escape from the mountains! Wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy, Ninurta, wild raging lion, overpowering the enemy -- who like a foul moving storm ...... the rebel lands and territories! Hero, first choice of his father, lord Ninurta, first choice of his father! He is the hero, he is the hero, the hero who does not let the mountains escape! He (?) is the hero! He is Ninurta who does not let the mountains escape!

76-86He is great in his anger (?)! He (?) alone is a hero! No superior god raises himself against him! King who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east! Ninurta who is great in heaven, great on earth, lordly in the east! Mighty hero Ninurta! Praise be to father Enlil! Praise be to the ...... of intelligence, the lord who decides destinies, to father Enki! ...... Anuna gods ......, favourable before Ninurta, the great governor of Enlil, and Ninnibru, the beloved child of An.

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Revision history

22.vii.1999-26.vii.1999 : JAB : adapting translation
21.x.1999 : GZ : proofreading
21.x.1999 : GZ : SGML tagging
22.x.1999 : ER : proofreading SGML
22.x.1999 : ER : converting to HTML 4.0
7.ix.2001 : ER : header and footer reformatted; substantive content of file not changed