The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
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The advice of a supervisor to a younger scribe (E-duba C): bibliography

Print sources used

Vanstiphout, Herman L.J ">Remarks on "Supervisor and Scribe" (or Dialogue 4, or Edubba C)", NABU 1996, No. 1: commentary, translation (ll. 30-32)

Vanstiphout, Herman L.J., "Sumerian Canonical Compositions. C. Individual Focus. 6. School Dialogues", in Hallo, William W. (ed.), The Context of Scripture, I: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World, Leiden/New York/Köln 1997: 588-593. Pp. 590-592: translation, commentary

Electronic sources used

Electronic legacy material kindly supplied by:

Cuneiform sources

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